Antonios Kouzoupis Software Engineer

Long story short

I'm a Software Engineer with a keen interest on building large-scale, highly-available distributed systems. Born and raised in Athens, Greece but since 2014 I've been leaving in Stockholm, Sweden.

Professional activities

Currently I'm a senior backend software engineer at Hopsworks the company behind the first open-source Feature Store. I'm the principal engineer of the platform's novel security architecture based on ephemeral X.509 certificates and TLS. I'm also part of the Cloud team focusing our efforts on Hopsworks@Cloud. Lately I've joined the newly created RonDB team elevating the fastest key-value database to the Clouds.

Before the inception of Hopsworks I was working as a research engineer at SICS Swedish ICT with the rest of Logical Clocks team. My main duties were focused on Hops - an award winning distributed file-system and large-scale scheduler and on Hops/Hopsworks security architecture.

In the past I was Teaching Assistant in Distributed Systems, Basic Course at KTH, teaching Erlang and Distributed Systems in first year Masters students. I've also spent a couple of months in Tobii AB prototyping their backend statistics infrastructure.


In 2016 I received my Msc in Software Engineering of Distributed Systems from KTH. I finished my thesis at SICS Swedish ICT in the area of large scale schedulers, you can find it here. My thesis work was part of Hops platform.

Earlier I got my BSc in Computer Science with a major in Networking Systems from University of Piraeus. My thesis was an ambitious project of implementing a distributed file-system on top of Chord DHT. The name of the project is ScorpioFS - scorpio as in σκόρπιο (skόrpio) which means scattered in greek. It reached a phase where it was working pretty well under certain assumptions... :) The source code is here and if you manage to build it and run it drop me a line!

When I'm not working I like getting my hands dirty with different technologies, take a look on my GitHub profile. I also like road cycling (mostly the coffee and snacks part) in cold days - don't forget it's Stockholm where I leave and listening to good (prog rock, * metal, classic rock, trip hop) music. I'm also a hobbyist photographer and collector of super duper useless stuff as they're twice as attractive.

GPG key

Use my PGP/GPG key for contacting me if you feel like, I do!

My key ID is: 0x0DE34E176E982F33

You can find my public key here